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NieZBA.teck | TechLABs :: niezba laboratory

elektronika muzyczna music electronics
e-mail: teck@niezba.org


[009] red TUBE

Listen to the light! Get to know how the sky sounds, or the city, or your living room, or anything you kan see. This is a device changing the intensity of incoming light into a set of square waves, which are than gated, mixed and modulated with each other to create a suprising stereo sound space. The light is captured inside the tube by twelve sensors which control the frequencies of twelve oscilators. This is a cardboard prototype, for a developed version in solid alu shell see SilverTube.

power: +/- 9V (from battery)
oscilators: 12 x SQUARE

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    równanie kontrolne
    control equation :
    ( 4 - 5 ) x 9 =
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